Skin Treatment
Skin Treatment Systems
General Information
Many medical or cosmetic skin treatment therapies (e.g. hair removal therapies, cellulite and acne treatment, skin rejuvenation) induce heat in one or more layers of the skin. This has beneficial effects as part of the treatment, but there’s a risk that the skin will be overheated, causing discomfort, pain and in the worst case injuries.
To prevent overheating of the skin, its temperature must be monitored throughout the treatment.
Contact thermometers are ruled out as they are fixed to one position, while the probe for the therapy is moved over the skin. Exergen non-contact infrared temperature sensors are the only available option to measure sample temperature accurately.
The Optimal Solution
IRt/c sensors are used to monitor the temperature of the skin during the treatment. Based on the actual skin temperature, the therapy intensity can be adjusted to prevent overheating. For example, in a cellulite treatment probe the Micro IRt/c sensor is placed above the skin to monitor the temperature up to 0,5°C (0.9°F) accuracy.

Why Exergen IR Non-Contact Sensors?
- Non-contact – no skin contact or interference with treatment
- IRt/c’s are self powered and intrinsically safe
- Repeatability error of 0,01°C (0.02°F)
- Interchangeability error ± 1%
- Resolution of approx. 0,05°C (0.09°F)
- Small size to fit in the limited available space
Commercial Advantages
- safety: you can prove that you are safely within the prescribed temperature ranges
- assay speed: shorten treatment sessions by using the miximum allowed power.
- yield: fewer sessions will fail due to temperature issues
- profit: gain more trust from the specialists that use the system