(Immuno) Haematology
(Immuno) Haematology
General Information
For many medical biochemical assays performed in hospital laboratories it is essential to monitor and control the temperature of liquid samples accurately. In haematology instruments the results of assays can be affected by temperature fluctuations of the samples, risking faulty diagnosis for patients. Governments are installing strict regulations for laboratories to control the temperature in their diagnostic instruments. Contact thermometers are ruled out as they contaminate the samples and influence the temperature of the samples. Exergen non-contact infrared temperature sensors are the only available option to measure sample temperature accurately.
The Optimal Solution
IRt/c sensors are used to monitor the changes in, and quickly detect, fluctuations in sample temperature, allowing accurate control of the actual sample temperature. In a haematology machine the micro IRt/c is placed above a single well allowing individual sample monitoring up to 0,1°C (0.2°F) accuracy.
Why Exergen IR Non-Contact Sensors?
- Non contact – no sample contamination or obstruction of moving objects
- IRt/cs are self powered and intrinsically safe
- Repeatability error of 0,01°C (0.02°F)
- Interchangeability error ± 1%
- Resolution of approx. 0,0001°C (0.0002°F)
- Side view sensors if the available space is limited

Commercial Advantages
- Increase
- assay speed: monitor when the sample has reached the required temperature to immediately start the assay
- yield: fewer assays will fail due to temperature fluctuations
- quality: you can prove that you are safely within the prescribed temperature ranges
- profit: due to lower failure rate